What I believe

I believe our purpose for being here has to do with becoming as whole and complete as possible. I love the symbol of the lotus blossom. It arises as a bud out of the mud and slowly opens revealing it's unique beauty. From this perspective, I see everything as an opportunity to take us deeper and higher. I don’t see mistakes and accidents and tragedies. I see life on it’s own terms: messy, brutal, impersonal and beautiful and always perfect. One of the most important symbols in Taoism is water. It is a powerful element always seeking release and always flowing toward the sea: So it is with life; it keeps flowing, taking us here and there, meeting obstructions and obstacles, swirling, stagnant, peaceful, raging, dripping, plummeting, roiling, thundering, polluted, clear, gentle or quiet. Always moving toward the sea. There's only one thing for the drop to do ~ go with the flow. And along the way it is transformed and imprinted by the journey. It is the same with each of us. We too have been transformed and imprinted by our journey through life. Our task is to come to terms with this by knowing the experiences we've had in new and deeper ways, and to see how the burdens we picked up on this journey can be shed creating more peace and well-being in our internal landscape. The goal: to know ourselves in our essential wholeness and to live from it's wisdom and direction.